Saturday, January 02, 2010

Trimming the Fat: $35 Brazilian Wax

During my recent trip to the ATL I almost wrecked my car when I spotted a sign that read "Brazilian Wax for $35." I know what you're thinking...At first thought I was a skeptic too. What kind of dodgy, shim-sham operation could this be? But I was in the "ritzy" part of town b.k.a. Buckhead & this waxing salon was located on Peachtree. Surely those two things should count for something? After 3 days of passing by I just couldn't resist anymore. Not to mention - my trimmed hedges were quickly growing into an out-of-control forest. OK...TMI...

Anywho, when I walked into the salon there was standing room only!!! Hot diggidy! I was on to something. Now I must point out that the salon isn't as posh as my beloved Bliss Spa or my absolute fave Pink Cheeks in L.A. BUT once you get past that you'll never turn back. No appointment is required & you get an AUTHENTIC Brazilian wax that will leave your bum softer than a baby's butt :-) And the best part.... all this for only cost $35! Maybe I've lived in a large metropolis for too long which is why I'm so excited to share this discovery. I'm used to coughing up at the very least $50 + (mandatory or you'll feel like a loser) tip for a wax job that these ATL waxing connoisseurs would laugh at. So next time you're in the "A" get waxed at Authentic Brazilian Wax by Andreia. They offer a list of waxing services aside from a bikini wax. And for you Atlanta urbanistas, a second locale is coming to Lawrenceville.


  1. I am so trying that! We have a beach party this weekend. I want to be the prettiest! :) Thanks for the info! More power to you girl! Wish to read more of your blogs

  2. a brazilian bikini for only $35? really?! that's a great find. i hope i can find a salon that offers this kind of service at my area :D

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