Monday, January 18, 2010

Tips on How to Save at the Gym

Whether or not this is your cup of tea, it's important to stay physically fit for your overall health. If you're like me, hitting the gym is a BIG part of this. However, gym memberships can be quite pricey. Here are a few tips on how you can save a few $$$ so you can buy some cute workout gear:

*The Buddy system - Personal training gives you awesome results but can be super expensive. To save look for a fitness trainer who will let you & your BFF/work-out partner split training sessions, which means you also split the cost.

*Gym hoppin' - Give or take a few classes/equipment all gyms are basically the same. I'm going to preach swingin' until somebody finally gets it. Take advantage of free promotional offers of gyms in your area. If Gym A offers two-weeks free then hit-it-and-quit-it 14 days later. Then mosey over to Gym B and see if you can negotiate a free promo there (they would love the opp to steal you from Gym A). Then you can take time decide which gym is best for you.

*Run from a Commitment - Don't get locked into a drawn out contract. Negotiate with your gym of choice to get the best month-to-month rate (you can use your trial membership at a competing gym as leverage).

*Parks & Recreation - When was the last time you went by your local park's community center? Many offer fitness classes like yoga, dance, pilates for less than $10 or even FREE!

*Gold-diggin' - Step #9 of the 12-Step Urban Addiction Recovery Program is all about digging for gold, but not in the way you're prob thinking. This doesn't require finding an elderly sugardaddy on life support. It simply means to actively look for perks. Many gyms, yoga studios, etc. offer specials. For ex. my location yoga studio offers a $5 class on Thursdays versus $20 a pop any other class. So can you guess which class I attend? I'm sure you're wondering what I do the other 6 days. I have a steady rotation. On Mondays ANOTHER yoga studio offers a lunchtime special rate so on Mondays that's where I get my yogi fix. Swingin' at its best, but I spread the love around equally ;-)

*Buy in Bulk - It's the same Costco/Sam's Club strategy. When it comes to classes you can save $$$ by purchasing packages (weekly, monthly, yearly), but be very honest with yourself beforehand. There's no point in buying a one-month pass if you're only go to attend two classes.

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