Thursday, July 30, 2009

Team CrackBerry: iPhones under Hacker Attack

Beware iPhone urbanistas! Infamous hacker Charlie Miller plans to expose a security glitch TODAY by hacking several iPhones. Miller claims Apple has ignored his warnings about the problem when he first contacted them six weeks ago. So to prove his point he's unleashing a text attack today. If you receive a text message of a square you are to power off immediately & DO NOT RESPOND! If you fall for the okey doke hackers will be able to control every feature of your phone including the ability to make calls, send text messages & access all stored info. Proceed with caution. You've been warned! For more info CLICK HERE. As for me, I'll stick w/ my bi-polar CrackBerry that ironically is at the center of conflict in of my life today. Happy sexting! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I heard about sexting on Tyra, or was it Phil? Maybe the View... or was it Oprah?
