Tuesday, July 14, 2009

10 Mins of Sun a Day Keeps the Doc Away...

I'm soooo tired of hearing my fellow urbanistas of color say that they avoid being in the sun like the plague b/c they fear they might "get too dark" or "don't like to sweat." The reality is that direct sunlight can improve your health & extend your life. The incomparable Dr. Oz shared the importance of getting 10 mins. of direct sunlight each day on Oprah. According to Dr. Oz, the sun is an excellent source of Vitamin D. And here's why Vitamin D is SO important...

"Vitamin D is critically important for preventing cancer and critically important for reducing heart problems. It's linked to multiple sclerosis, to juvenile diabetes. It's one of the best ways of reducing infection rates. It's got a ton of things that it does for you to make your immune system function the way you want it to function."
- Dr. Oz

If you can't get sunlight b/c you live in Alaska or have to survive bitter Chicago winters like myself then you can take 1,000 units of a Vitamin D supplement.


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