Friday, July 10, 2009

Step #5: Tea Baggin'

Urbanistas it's time to focus on the next step in the 12-Step Urban Addiction Recovery Program...tea baggin'. No it's not what you're thinking. Tea baggin' is a sweet little trick one of my L.A. actress friends taught me. It's very simple actually. The secret - keep a tea bag with you at ALL times! Sound strange? Well believe it or not this little tea bag can have a big impact & here's how:

1. Whenever you get the munchies or that late-afternoon hunger attack, whip out your tea bag for an instant treat that you won't feel guilty about later. Tea can curb hunger cravings, which can help keep you slim & trim. Tea is the 2nd most popular drink worldwide & has almost no calories at all (that is as long as you don't load in tons of sugar, honey or whatever else people are trying to pass off as natural sweetener). All you need is hot water & your trusty tea bag. Try different teas until you find one that you like. The leaves already have natural flavoring so there's no need to add to perfection.

2. At any restaurant of your choice, request a glass of hot water & BAM!...whip out your tea bag to avoid spending $5-$20 on a watered down cocktail or sugary soda you know you don't need. Next time you dine out take a look at your bill to see just how much your Diet Coke cost you. You probably could get a six-pack or two for that one glass you sipped had with your meal.

3. If you partied like it was 1999 last night, but it was only a Tuesday, then a cup of tea will get you back to running in your heels in no time! Caffeine is a natural component in tea, which is perfectly healthy when used in moderation.

4. The most beneficial factor is that tea baggin' can improve your health. Specifically, if you opt for green tea bags then you'll have a source of good antioxidants which will enhance your overall health by boosting your immune system, protecting your heart, fighting cancer cells & keeping your mind sharp & focused for life's daily challenges.

For more about the multi-goodness of tea, please CLICK HERE. From now on you can boldly & proudly say that you are a TEA BAGGER!

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