Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Blow Job that Lasts for 4 Months???

No not that kind (shame on you)...I'm talking about the latest craze known as the Brazilian blowout. Hollywood is all abuzz over this latest smoothing hair treatment which supposedly improves the health of your hair. According to the innovators of this popular beauty splurge, the Brazilian blowout incorporates the use of a proprietary based Keratin formulation that actually improves the condition of the hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair shaft to eliminate frizz and smooth the cuticle.

Peep these before & after pics to see the results:

Could this be the answer to my lifelong prayers?! I've had my hopes up before only to be let down time & time again. First there was the Hawaiian Silky in the 90s, then the Japanese straighten in the early '00s, now this. But hey, I'll try it. Imagine if George Washington Carver had given up after having found just one use for the peanut. I digress...more of the proof in the pudding:

For more on how this works CLICK HERE to watch the magic happen or visit the OFFICIAL WEBSITE.

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