Thursday, February 05, 2009

Step #2: Trimming the Fat

No this isn’t yet another reminder that we all aren’t a size 0 with a perfectly toned, year-round beach body. Instead consider this to be what I call a “Come to Jesus” moment. When I decided to tackle my own urban addiction I had to first repent & purge all of my sinful splurging, but I admit that I still backslide every once and a while. Just like our physique in most cases, our spending could stand to slim down a few pounds. The more excess spending you trim then the more financial independence you have, which leads to the ability to live a happier & more fulfilling life i.e. like a “queen.” This is even harder to do in a post-Sex and the City world where we are obsessed with all things designer and ALL aspects of the “Good Life.” But it IS possible to trim the fat with some discipline & stepping outside of your comfort box.

So what’s the fat you ask? Take a look at the following list I’ve identified as my own fattening indulgences and see just how many extra pounds you’re packing onto your financial diet:

1. Eating out
2. Nail salon
3. Traveling
4. Shopping sprees
5. Spa days
6. GNO – Girls Night Out
7. The salon
8. Beauty products and make-up
9. XXL Entertainment
10. Mags & Unnecessary Swag

I’ll elaborate on each of these splurges in future posts. In January I saw the brilliant Suze Orman on Oprah for the bizillioneth time, but for some reason this time she really caught my attention. Usually I’m always the skeptic, but in my quest for overcoming my addiction I’ve learned to not only listen but to try my best to implement what I hear. It never hurts to try something new right? Well in most cases. Anywho, Suze challenged everyone in the audience to give up eating out for an entire month. Sadly, the majority of the audience winced as if she had asked them to gnaw off their own hand. But in that moment I decided to rise to the occasion. For the entire month of January I made a conscious effort NOT to eat out. I’ll be the 1st to admit that it wasn’t easy. Being a single gal working ridiculous hours, it is very easy to grab a quick bite that’s prepared by someone else. There was A LOT of temptation thanks to co-workers ordering yummy overpriced lunches from the best restaurants daily. Then there was my own laziness, which tried to deter me from going to the grocery store. With the exception of one weak moment in which I ordered a $4 side order of broccoli smothered in cheese I made it the entire month. I went days at a time without spending a dime! Try it for just one week and you’ll instantly see a difference. Don’t make excuses just do it! Now this includes those ridiculous priced coffee/tea drinks, vending machine snacks & any other edible thing that requires a purchase.

I challenge you to join me for the rest of 2009 by picking one of the splurges from the list above to sacrifice each month. Of course you’ll get more effective results if you give up more than one at a time OR for longer than a month. If you require baby steps then start with one week and work your way up to a month.

Try not eating out for the rest of February. Hey, on the bright side it’s the shortest month of the year. Now in order to make this work you can’t increase your spending in another area while forfeiting one. For example, if you give up eating out you can’t then spend more on shopping sprees. Maintain your position.

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