Monday, August 15, 2011

LAST POST: It's Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

Dear Urbanistas & Urbanistos,

It's been said that without change/evolution we die. After much deliberation I have decided to close one chapter in order to begin a new one. Therefore, this will be my LAST post as "The Urban Heiress." I'd like to thank all of you who have been entertained by my commentary since I launched the blog in 2009. It's like my baby (a sometimes neglected & malnourished baby but still mine nonetheless). LOL! However, as I'm sure you can all relate we go through seasons in life and I'm ready for something fresh & exciting, a clean slate... With that being said, here's the good news!

Join me on my NEW and IMPROVED (at least I think so) blog site: WWW.FORTHELOVEOFGUCCI.COM

It will feature the same insights on living the "fabulous" life holistically. It's still in it's infant stage but there will be a lot of exclusive and engaging content to come!!!
Click HERE to check it out!

"Shelby aka The Urban Heiress OUT!"